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Curriculum Vitae Neurochirurg Lars de Jong

Curriculum Vitae Neurochirurg Lars de Jong

Huidige functie

Neurochirurg te AZ Klina, Brasschaat, België



Neurochirurg ZNA Middelheim


Arts assistent neurochirurgie in opleiding te Universitaire Ziekenhuizen Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, België onder leiding van Prof. Dr. J. Goffin en Prof. Dr. J. van Loon

  • 2006-2007: Algemene heelkunde te AZ Sint Maarten Mechelen, België (Prof. Dr. P. Broos)
  • 2007-2008: Algemene Neurologie te UZ Leuven, België (Prof. Dr. W. Robberecht)
  • 2008-2010: Neurochirurgie te UZ Leuven (Prof. Dr. J. Goffin)
  • 2010-2011: Neurochirurgie te ZOL Genk, België (dr. J. Wuyts)
  • 2010-2012: Neurochirurgie te UZ Leuven (Prof. Dr. J. Goffin & Prof. Dr. J. van Loon)


Arts assistent neurochirurgie (niet in opleiding), Universitair Medisch Centrum te Utrecht onder leiding van Dr. J.W. Berkelbach van der Sprenkel


Arts assistent neurochirurgie (niet in opleiding), Vrije Universiteit Medisch Centrum te Amsterdam onder leiding van Prof. Dr. P. Vandertop


2006-2012: Assistent in opleiding tot neurochirurg te Leuven, België onder leiding van Prof. Dr. J. Goffin en Prof. Dr. J. van Loon

1998-2004: Studie geneeskunde te Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

1997-1998: Propedeutische graad in de geneeskunde te Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

1990-1997: Middelbare school, Atheneum te Linneaus College te Haarlem Nederland

Professionele diploma’s

2004: Dokter in de geneeskunde te Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Nederland

2012: EANS- Europees Examen in de Neurochirurgie deel 1

2012: Universitaire graad in radioprotectie

2012: Geneesheer specialist neurochirurgie te UZ Leuven, België

2013: EANS training 4 jaars cyclus vervolledigd

Professioneel Lidmaatschap

Lid van de Belgische Vereniging van Neurochirurgie (BSN)

Lid van de Belgische Neurochirurgische Spine Vereniging (BNSS)

Lid van de ‘European Association of Neurosurgical Societies’ (EANS)

Lid van de ‘Spine Society of Europe’ (EuroSpine)

Wetenschappelijke Publicaties

de Jong L, Depreitere B & Goffin J. Corticosteroiden bij acuut traumatisch ruggenmergletsel. Tijdschr Neurol Neurochir 2007;108:176-80 (Dutch).

de Jong L, Van Der Aa F, De Ridder D & Van Calenbergh F. Extrusion of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt catheter through an appendicovesicostomy. Br J Neurosurg. 2011 Feb; 25(1):115-6.

de Jong L, Demaerel P, Sciot R & Van Calenbergh F. A patient with swelling of the eyelid: ancient schwannoma of the supraorbital nerve (2010:6b). Eur Radiol. 2010 Sep; 20(9):2301-4.

de Jong L, Thewissen L, van Loon J & Van Calenbergh F. Choroidal fissure CSF-Containing Cysts: Case Series, Anatomical Consideration and Review of the Literature. World Neurosurg. 2011 May-Jun; 75(5-6):704- 8.

de Jong L, Engelborghs K, Vandevenne J, Weyns F. Migrating pseudomeningocele causing posterior fossa syndrome: short report of two cases: Br J Neurosurg. 2012 Aug;26(4):537-9.

de Jong L, Van Calenbergh F, Menten J, van Loon J, De Vleeschouwer S, Plets C, et al. Ependymomas of the filum terminale: The role of surgery and radiotherapy. Surg Neurol Int, 2012;3:76.

de Jong L, Verfaillie M, Pans S, Lauweryns P, Goffin J & Depreitere B. Atlantoaxial Instability in Homozygote Twin Sisters: Degenerative or Congenital disease? J Neurosurg Spine 2014 Apr;20(4):459-63.

de Jong L, Verslegers L, Schotmans K, Montagna M, Feyen B, Crols R & Engelborghs S. Severe bilateral subdural hematomas as a complication of diagnostic lumbar puncture for possible Alzheimer’s disease. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 2017 (152) 95-96.

Wetenschappelijke Presentaties

de Jong L, Kovacs S, Bamps S, Van Calenbergh F, Sunaert S, van Loon J. The Arcuate Fasciculus: A Comparison between Diffusion Tensor Tractography and Anatomy Using the Fiber Dissection Technique. Poster presentatie CNS Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida 2008.

Verfaillie M, de Jong L, Lauweryns P, Goffin J & Depreitere B. Non-Traumatic Non-Rheumatic Atlantoaxial Instability in Two Twin Sisters: A Case Study. Poster presentatie BSN (Belgian Society of Neurosurgery) Luik 2008.

de Jong L, Van Der Aa F, De Ridder D & Van Calenbergh F. Extrusion of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt catheter through an appendicovesicostomy. Poster presentatie BSN Luik 2010.

De Vleeschouwer S, Delye H, de Jong L, Wilms G & Malleux G. Rupture of a flow-related vertebral confluence aneurysm in an older patient with subclavian steal syndrome. Poster presentatie BSN Luik 2010.

Thewissen L, de Jong L, Ortibus E, Van Calenbergh F, Naulaers G. Single Center Long term Follow-up of Supratentorial Arachnoid Cysts in Children. Poster presentatie EAPS (European Academy of Paediatric Societies) – Kopenhagen, Denemarken 2010.

de Jong L, Daenekindt T, Deckers J, Peuskens D, Engelborghs K, Weyns F, Wuyts J. Central Nervous System Tumours Mimicking Schwannoma:‘Things Are Not Always What They Seem’. Poster presentatie BSN Gent 2011.

de Jong L, Frank Weyns, Frank Van Calenbergh, Koen Engelborghs, Johan van Loon, Dieter Peuskens, Bart Depreitere, Jan Wuyts, Jan Goffin, Jens Deckers, Thomas Daenekindt, Steven De Vleeschouwer. Validation of the intra-operative use of 5-aminolevulinic acid (5-ALA) in patients with suspected high grade glioma in the two Belgian Gliolan® training centres. Orale Presentatie BSN Gent 2011.

de Jong L, Daenekindt T, Deckers J, Peuskens D, Engelborghs K, Wuyts J, Weyns F. Acute Posterior Fossa Syndrome caused by Tension Pseudomeningocele: Report of Two Cases. Poster presentatie BSN Gent 2011.

de Jong L, Ardon H, Goffin J. Transforaminal thoracic spinal cord herniation: a case report. Poster presentatie BSN Gent 2012.

Wetenschappelijke Deelnames

  • BSN-meeting (Belgian Society of Neurosurgery) annual
  • Annual Meeting of the CSRS (Cervical Spine Research Society, Leuven 2007)
  • Joint Meeting BSN – NVVN (Dutch neurosurgical society, Oostende 2007)
  • CNS (Congress of Neurological Surgeons) Annual Meeting Orlando, USA, September 2008
  • BANO (Belgian Association of Neuro-oncology) ‘Brain Metastasis’, Brussels 2009
  • Medtronic drilling course, Tolochenaz, Switserland June 2009
  • Joint Meeting BSN – NVVN (Maastricht 2009)
  • Symposium Radiosurgery Brussels Belgium November 2009
  • Symposium ‘Decompressive Craniectomy’ Antwerp Belgium January 2010
  • EANS training course ‘Spine and peripheral nerve’ Padova Italy February 2010
  • Hands-on course “Extended Endonasal Skullbase Approach”: Amin Kassam March 2010
  • TLIF/PLIF hands-on course Zimmer Tübingen Germany September 2010
  • EANS training course ‘Vascular Neurosurgery’ Tallinn, Estonia February 2011
  • Symposium ‘Hydrocephalus’ Antwerp Belgium June 2011
  • Hands-on course posterior cervical spine fixation June 2011
  • EANS advanced training course ‘Cervical Spine’ Leiden, Holland November 2011
  • BANO meeting ‘recurrent Glioblastoma’, Brussels November 2011
  • Pentalfa meeting ‘neurotrauma’, Leuven November 2011
  • EANS training course ‘tumour’ Pecs, Hongarije February 2012
  • Hands-on course ‘minimal invasive spine’ Zimmer Tübingen, Germany, March 2012
  • Hands-on course Spinal Instrumentation Techniques; BSSN; Liege, March 2012
  • Hands-on course Spinal Instrumentation Techniques; DePuy, Barcelona, Spain, April 2012
  • Surgeon to Surgeon ‘anterior lumbar approach’; Zimmer; Milano, Italy, June 2012
  • Hands-on course Spinal Instrumentation Techniques; Zimmer; Leuven, Belgium, June 2012
  • Gliolan Training course; Leuven, Belgium June 2012
  • Hands-on course Spinal Instrumentation Techniques; Synthes, Leiden, Holland, October 2012
  • Joint Meeting BSN – NVVN (Dutch neurosurgical society, Spa 2012)
  • EANS training course ‘Functional Neurosurgery’ Krakow, Poland February 2013
  • Symposium ‘Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus’ Brussels, Belgium March 2013
  • Eurospine Educationweek 2013, Lucerne, Switserland, March 2013
  • Surgeon to Surgeon ‘Osteotomy for spinal balance’ Medtronic Bordeaux, France March 2013
  • Annual meeting Dutch Spine Society: spinal oncology, Utrecht, The Netherlands November 2013
  • Hands-on course ‘minimal invasive spine’ Cormed, Madrid Spain November 2013
  • EANS annual meeting Madrid Spain October 2015
  • Eurospine Spring meeting Krakow Poland May 2016
  • EANS annual meeting Venetië, Italië Okotober 2017